Log book servicing is essential for the maintenance of your vehicle that you pay close attention to the schedule set out by the manufacturer.
At Oxenford Mechanical we follow this schedule to keep your vehicle performing at its best.
Some things like replacement of oil filter happen at every service
Oils are regularly replaced
Lubrication is done each time
Other items simply need an inspection for wear.
Our diagnostic tool is very reliable in telling us what is happening
Items checked include:
- Instrument warning lights
- Headlights and turning lights
- Seat belts
- Radiator
- Drive belts
- Battery and terminals
- Fuel Filter
- Spark plugs
- Cooling Sysrtem
- Brakes
- Tyres
- Wheel balancing and Alignment
- Steering
- Just to name a few
We only use quality oils and lubricants and also parts